Wednesday 19 August 2009

What happens when Christianity adopts pagan mysticism as a route to God?

Check out these two recent articles about pagan rituals and Christianty. I'm pretty sure that ecstatic states, whether induced by drugs or the natural release of endophines, can facilitate the gaining of insight and persepective of one's own emotions and even natural relationships but nothing must be allowed to obscure the knowledge of God and His relationship with man as revealed in the pages of scripture.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

Garibaldi gets a mention in Blogland

Congratulations Gary on being nominated for the blog awards. What does it all mean? Click on the link to Gary's blog and read all about it.

Tuesday 11 August 2009

BBC Newsnight: What Have The Noughties Done For God

The BBC's perspective on the shift from religion to human secularism in british society.

Thursday 6 August 2009

Great advice on expository preaching

Dave Bish has collected some fantastic resources for readers and teachers of the Bible.

Holding The Baby

When my wife, Sharon, has to leave for work early, as she does once or twice a week she often takes our son, Harry, with her on her travels and drops him off with a grandparent or female member of our church family. Sometimes, though, daddy has the priviledge of a few hours of Harry time and together we read, "chat" and practice walking or knocking down towers of blocks. This morning, however, Harry's not feeling 100%- I think it's teeth. And so, this morning alongside my role as teacher and protector I am nurse, cooler of fevers and soother of pains. I'm not at all concerned about his wellfare; he's no trouble at all really and his Nana will be here at 10:45.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Sermon Audio

You can listen to recent sermons from St Elizabeth's church in Dundonald by following the link to St Elizabeth's Church Blogspot

First Blog

I've heard a lot about blogging and it has certainly assumed a central position in conveying information in contemporary media. I have to admit, though, to not rhaving read many blogs and therefore I don't really know what a blog should contain. I will do some research and return with spoils from far away blogs; I will create blog entries influenced by the most exotic and exciting blogs from around the world wide web.

